Heppner’s 2023 training plan has offered a wealth of opportunities, with a variety of training courses and expanded availability:
- Stand-up training sessions for bay team leaders (face-to-face + online).
- Climate Fresk training courses for 350 employees and members of the Group’s management committees. This programme will be rolled out internationally in 2024
- The roll-out of a new online training catalogue, “Heppner Progress”, which agglutinates all the courses offered by the Group, including:
- “Heppner Progress for everyone” (online) field modules, with specific modules accessible to loading bay operatives, forklift operators, drivers and maintenance technicians (eco-driving, EHS, customer relations, etc.)
- the introduction of 4 modules devoted to CSR, such as “sustainable practices” or “what nature can teach us“
- increased availability of language courses
- over 8,000 resources available for everyone
Digital Fresk to meet a growing challenge
Energy and raw materials consumption by digital technologies increases year by year. Consequently, greenhouse gas emissions linked to these technologies and the volume of electronic waste are also increasing. In this context and aware of the challenges to be addressed, part of the DIDSI (Information Technology and Information Systems Department) took part in the Digital Fresk workshop organised at the company’s headquarters in Rosny-sous-Bois.
Making room for youth: student traineeships and mentoring
Heppner has put in place an effective policy to facilitate student traineeships. The policy’s success is borne out by the figures; between 2019 and 2023, the percentage of students hired after completing their training increased from 30% to 38%. The HR team identifies regional needs in the field and then provides support to ensure recruitment of the right profiles. “At the beginning of the academic year, student trainees follow an induction programme to meet business line managers, student trainees on assignments or former student trainees who have since joined the Group. This helps them network. Of course, we train all our tutors, because it is a real commitment,” explains Cécile Marcelino,Training and Skills Development Manager for the Heppner Group.
In addition, the company partners with a number of schools, including the EM Normandie or the EST, or even second chance schools, which provides opportunities to present its career openings and recruit talent.
Equal opportunities: The Alsace region becomes an NQT partner
NQT, which stands for “Nos Quartiers ont du Talent” (“Our Neighbourhoods have Talent”), is a mentoring project in which Heppner employees help young people leaving school to find their first job or apprenticeship. Three mentors have started this experience in Alsace and help young people write their CVs or prepare for job interviews. The idea is to take this partnership to the rest of France during 2024.
Recruitment rate in 2023: 38% of the 8 student trainees working in the Group

Disability: continuation of the 2021-2023 plan
Launched in 2020, Heppner’s voluntary drive for the integration of disabled people is based on 3 main areas monitored by the Group’s disability mission and community: recognition of disability, implementation of conditions for maintaining employment and active recruitment. The target of 4.5% of employees with disabilities by 2024 was achieved one year ahead of plan at the end of 2022.
Job retention actions:
- Renewal for one year of the agreement signed with Made in TH
- Financing of equipment to maintain employment (electric pallet truck, ergonomic seat, headrest, etc…)
Recruitment actions:
- Implementation of a partnership with Aktisea, a recruitment agency specialised in the recruitment of disabled workers
- Participation in Hello Handicap, a specialised recruitment fair
The Group is also continuing to develop an internal culture of inclusion through awareness-raising initiatives and training in discrimination-free recruitment.