Our certifications

Our contribution to the SDGs

Logistical support: 108 pallets transported for the Emmaüs Défi association,

Logistical support: more than 100 pallets of foodstuffs transported for Banques Alimentaires and Restos du Cœur.

Financial support amounting to €20,000 for the Magie à l’Hôpital (Magic in Hospitals) Association, which offers group and/or individual magic shows to hospitalised children and their families on a voluntary basis.

34 student trainees hired by the Group in 2023 after completing their traineeship

Gender Equality Index: 92/100 in 2023 (88/100 in 2022). 34% of the workforce are women, compared to the industry average of 19%.

Contribution to better air quality: €15 million invested to convert 50% of our HGV fleet to gas and develop low-emission solutions in 28 French cities.

3,400 TCO2e avoided thanks to multimodal transport and the energy transition of our truck fleet.

Partnership with Emmaüs Défi to fight against poverty and exclusion and with the Food Banks to fight against hunger.

Helping to protect biodiversity: 40 beehives, 450 trees planted, 2 environmental protection associations supported and €37,000 allocated to Biodiversity in 2023