Our carbon footprint

Measuring in order to act more effectively is our ambition in carrying out our carbon footprint assessment. It is on this basis that we define our decarbonisation pathway and the goals we set ourselves to achieve by 2050.

Our carbon footprint: Measure to act

Did you know?

The carbon footprint is the measurement of the greenhouse gases of an activity (product, service, company…). Indeed, all human activity generates greenhouse gases (GHG) through the combustion of fossil fuels (heating, transportation…), construction, livestock farming, deforestation… The unit of measurement and expression is the tonne of CO2 (t CO2-eq), which includes all GHG.

Transportation is the activity that contributes the most to France’s GHG emissions. In 2019, it represented 31% of French GHG emissions. Almost all of the GHG emissions induced by transportation (97%) are CO2 from fuel combustion.

The CO2 scope of measurement is:

  1. CO2 directly emitted by the company (heating, vehicle fuel),
  2. the CO2 emitted by the consumption of electricity,
  3. the company’s upstream and downstream emissions (subcontracted transport, waste products, product use, end of life, etc…)

Heppner’s carbon footprint

In order to measure and manage its emissions reductions, Heppner uses the international Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) – which is aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below +1.5-2ºC.

The approach is specific to the transportation sector, with 2018 as the base year.

Scopes for reducing CO2 emissions

Scope 1

  • the Group is taking action on its own fleet emissions by converting its trucks to NGV, developing eco-driving and switching to Euro 6 trucks.
  • for non-transportation, the scope is that of the tertiary sector decree with an improvement in the energy efficiency of buildings, as well as the replacement of gas forklifts with electric ones.

Scope 2

  • the Group is taking action to reduce its electricity consumption and since 2021 is equipped with the Deepki management tool.

Scope 3

  • the Group is taking action on its fleet of company vehicles and will offer carpooling solutions in 2022.
  • on emissions related to subcontracted transport, only land transport is the subject of action, to date. It consists of an inventory and raising awareness of reduction issues with national partners and traction operators, and a proposal for an energy transition pact for courier companies and local partners, which Heppner is involving in its transition to NGV.

Heppner is acting on all three scopes to reduce its CO2 emissions (as part of a process with the Carbon Disclosure Project). To date, actions have been taken on 1/3 of its emissions, enabling the Group to avoid 1,700 TCO²2-e in 2021.

Our carbon footprint 2021: 454 650 tco2e

Our 2040 reduction target


reduction by 2030


reduction by 2040

Antoine Guichard Manager

Our carbon deployed with all of our defines a reduction in our emissions to be achieved by 2050, which is our target objective. Ultimately, we will have to reduce our emissions by at least 80% with this objective of 27g/CO2 per tonne/km for the transport part. We reduced our fleet emissions by 6% between 2018 and 2021, we will need to maintain this pace. This important reduction for the transport part can be done around 3 areas: the transition of our fleet and that of our subcontractors, the optimisation of loading and the use of rail and river transport.

Sub-contracting ground transportation makes up 70% of our total CO2 emissions. It is our responsibility to help raise awareness and support our partners as they reduce their emissions, in order to pursue the energy transition trajectory of our operations.

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