Solidarity with Ukraine
In February 2023, the 25 members of Club ETI Grand Est, in partnership with the NGO SOS Attitude, helped finance 102 electricity generators to show their solidarity with the Ukrainian people facing war on their territory. Heppner financed 3 generators and the Group’s employees mobilised to ship 14 pallets of this equipment to Ukraine.

Combatting poverty
Heppner x Banque Solidaire de l’Équipement
Created by Emmaüs Défi, the mission of the Banque Solidaire de l’Équipement is to combat poor housing and improve the material security of people in very precarious situations. Initially started in the Rhône-Alpes Region, this partnership has been rolled out nationwide with the signature of a new sponsorship agreement in 2023. It is based on:
– financial sponsorship, with a donation of €10,000 in 2023;
– transport sponsorship, with 108 pallets transported in 2023 (school supplies and toys during the Super Back to School and Super Christmas operations, donations of furniture and appliances)
– skills sponsorship at Emmaüs Défi’s logistics centre in Rungis, with 35 employees from the Paris region dedicating their solidarity day to help assemble furniture as part of Heppner’s first participation in Emmaüs Défi’s “couch days”. In a survey carried out at the end of the day, 91% of the respondents said they would like to repeat the experience next year.

Aurore Ruffier, Manager of Corporate Partnerships at Emmaüs Défi
“Heppner is a great support for our association. The company is one of those rare partners that we know we can call on when we are faced with a difficulty and lack the means to respond to it. Sharing their logistics expertise, paying for transport to collect donations, mobilising volunteer employees to come and lend a hand… Our partnership is multi-faceted, marked by a sincere and shared commitment to helping people in situations of exclusion.”
Mobilising employees for the Food Banks
United we stand and Heppner’s teams all over France proved it at the latest national food bank drive, held on the last weekend of November: 13 volunteers on their own time in the warehouses, shipment of 106 pallets free of charge, equivalent to 50 tonnes of essential foodstuffs. A surge of solidarity rewarded with the “Food Aid Actors” Trophy awarded to the Heppner Group by the French Federation of Food Banks.
And to go one step further, Heppner plans to sign a sponsorship agreement with the association in 2024.
QWL + Solidarity = #Joy
When QWL meets solidarity, it creates fun and joyful moments!
To mark QWL Week, 900 Heppner employees took up the challenges proposed by OuiLive and Cafés Joyeux. At the close of the event, a cheque for €2,000 was presented to the Emeraude Solidaire endowment fund, contributing to inclusion by training joyous team members and opening joyous cafés.
Magie à l'Hôpital: a lasting commitment
For more than 10 years, Heppner has renewed year after year its commitment to the association to bring joy to hospitalised children and their families. €13,000 were raised during the Festival au Tours du Rire, which brought together 6 artists on stage and 800 spectators. Heppner employees also ran 20,000 km to raise €20,000 for the association.

The entrepreneurial spirit sparks local projects
The winning Charity and Territorial Initiatives project
Every two years, Heppner launches a call for projects entitled “Initiatives Solidarités et Territoires” (Charity and Territorial Initiatives) in which employees are encouraged to submit projects that are close to their hearts. In 2023, the bay foreman José Burckle won the challenge with his “Regards Solidaires”, a project which aims to help Strasbourg students on low incomes. An endowment of €10,000 enabled the association to purchase an e-tricycle to deliver weekly baskets of fresh fruit and vegetables to these students.
Vivarmor: the St Brieuc branch makes a commitment to biodiversity
Winner of an inter-branch QWL challenge, the St Brieuc team had the pleasure of giving a €1,000 donation to the Vivarmor team, which has been working to preserve biodiversity in the Bay of Saint Brieuc for 50 years. The contacts made between the two teams have awakened a desire to take the relationship further in 2024.
Teamstarter Awards: a Heppner employee wins a prize for his project! Teamstarter is a crowdfunding resource for financing employee projects that help move society forward. Régis Antoine, a Heppner employee in Nancy, submitted the project “Respirer c’est la vie!!” (Breathing is life!), winning first prize in the “social” category.
La Roche-sur-Yon continues its partnership with the “Lions-Nous au Sénégal” association
The branch provides material and financial support to the inhabitants of Mlomp in Casamance, southern Senegal. The Heppner branch makes its vehicles available to transport donated books to open a library in the village!
In Metz, the branch works with its customer Hasbro to create “enchanted dreams”
Employees from the Metz branch joined forces with Aurélie Mehl, who founded the association in 2023, to collect gifts from their customer Hasbro and create a Christmas event.
Toulouse mobilises for the health of Madagascans
In partnership with the NGO ASF (Aviation Sans Frontière), the branch is mobilising to send medicines to Madagascar.
Heppner’s Dakar branch distributes kits to schoolchildren
Partnering with the Keba Mbaye Foundation, 1,000 school kits were distributed to 18 schools in Dakar and Thiès, providing material for over 1,000 pupils in need.