Benchmarks & Indicators
We measure our CSR actions and progress using indicators and benchmarks recognised by the greatest number of people, in order to integrate ourselves as well as possible into the value chain and the expectations of all our stakeholders.
A.Key indicators
CSR key figures 2021

68% recycling rate for the 3,000 tonnes of waste generated
88% of our fleet meets Euro 6 standards
16.5 GWh of energy consumption for our buildings
25 100 m3 of water consumed in all our branches
454 650 TCOe, of which 11,500 comes from Scope 1 ; 450 comes from Scope 2; and 442,700 comes from Scope 3.
1,700 TCO2e avoided thanks to multimodal and CNG fleet

3,020 employees worldwide, including 2,270 in France
17,673 hours
of training provided -
88/100, our gender equality index
31% of the workforce
are women -
4.3% of Heppner’s employees have some degree of disability
50 nationalities
through our employees -
85 work-study students
within the group

40% of our branches work with companies from the social economy)
350 pallets transported for associations
€98 K
3rd consecutive year in the top 20 of the Choiseul ranking, thanks to the economic contribution by the territories
1st CSR evaluation campaign of our suppliers (excluding transport)
B.Our contribution to the SDGs
Heppner contributes to sustainable development goals sdgs of the global compact

Logistical support: 250 pallets transported for the benefit of the Emmaüs and Agence du Don en Nature associations

Logistical support: more than 100 pallets of foodstuffs for the benefit of the Food Banks and the Restos du Cœur

Financial support of €20,000 for the Magie à l’Hôpital (Magic in Hospitals) Association, which offers group and/or individual magic shows to hospitalised children and their families on a voluntary basis

Financial support to the University of Strasbourg Foundation (€50,000 paid in 2021) & logistical support for the Femmes Agripreneures association in Senegal

Female/Male Equality Index: 88/100, +10 points versus 2021.
31% of women in the workforce compared to 19% in the sector.

Contribution to better air quality: €15 million invested to convert 50% of our HGV fleet to gas and development of low-emission solutions in many French cities

1,700 TCO2-eq avoided thanks to multimodal transport and the modernisation of our truck fleet
C.Benchmarks & Certifications

The French company EcoVadis is developing a platform to rate the social and environmental performance of global supply chains. Heppner has been awarded “Gold” status, the top 5% of companies assessed by EcoVadis.

Global Compact
Signatory of the global compact since 2019.

Carbon Disclosure Project
Go from D (2021) to B in 2024.

Great Place To Work
Go from 65/100 (in 2021) to 66/100 in 2022 to obtain the certification in France in 2023.

Charte Objectif CO2
Member of the ADEME’s CO2 objective charter since 2010.

Coq Vert
Heppner received the Coq Vert (awarded by the BPI and ADEME) in recognition of its exemplary approach to energy transition and its commitment to the CO2 Objective charter within the Coq Vert Community.